$200 worth of materials from Home Depot + 2 days of labor to build lift frames, $150 for a pair of 2 ton chain falls from Grizzly, $30 for a pair of 4" straps from a on-line shipping supplier and we're ready to lift the boat off the trailer.
All strapped up and ready to lift. Will my frame hold? After all they are made so I can take them apart for easy storage.
Everything just fine, no bending or flexing. So I guess my "rule of thumb" engineering works...... (the clamps are only for keeping the chains away from the boat)
Finally off the trailer and on the dollies. Now you can really see the exceptional beautiful lines. I guess that is why these boats are sought after today.
Now back in the garage for removal of all interior hardware over the winter, and hopefully turn her over to start the woodwork in early spring.
Congrats, I have linked you to WoodyBoater.com You are not alone there in the shop...
I better keep the posts coming then.... Thanks!
Fantastic project, I linked from woodyboater. I finished my 1963 Century rebuild last spring after 2 1/2 years and enjoyed a full summer of cruisin' on the stix.
Thanks Cal. Can't wait until its my turn to cruise the waves.
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