This the current state of the gauges:
And this is how they would look after Mark Clawson is finished:
Through "The Buzz", Chris Craft Antiques boat club's online forum, I got confirmed that my deck vents are the original for the 1940 17" Deluxe.
I got the tickets and hotels for the Mount Dora show in March booked as well. Can't wait...............
See you at lake Dora. We all need it for sure.
In case your gauge choice dosn't work out for you try Dale Kocian. Kocian Instruments. He specializes in CC gauges and has done work for me, has won awards for his work and is highly respected. I have been to his shop and it is meticulous. (
I contacted both Dale Kocain and Mark Clawson for their input on the gauges. I spoke with Dale, and I have no doubt he does a very good job. He carefully explained the process of restoration to me and I believe his craftsmanship is among the best. On the other side, Mark Clawson has the reputation on getting pre-war gauges 100% correct, which is important to me. He has 20+ years experience as well. If my next boat is a post-war, I will try Dale for sure.
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