Sunday, December 19, 2010

Year end....

Well, it's mid December and winter is here. It'll have to wait until spring for boat work again. A trip to the Sunnyland boat show in Tavares, FL is planned for the end of March. Lots of nice boats = kick in the rear to get started again on my own again.

Happy New Year!

Monday, December 6, 2010

Got wood.

Spent the morning at ML Condon Lumber in Stormville NY picking out wood for the bottom, sides and deck. 430 board feet of 6/4" Philippine mahogany that they will re-saw and plane down to 1/2" for me. Not a cheap service, but will save me a ton of time on my light industrial band saw and planer. Doing this my self will simply take forever and they will deliver to my door.

Fairly happy with the quality, there is alway that uncertainty on what to get once it's planed. Secured very nice ribbon grain wood for the transom, ceiling boards and possibly enough for the inner covering boards.

Friday, December 3, 2010

LOOK.... no clamps!

It's getting cold in the garage, and I reached my goal for the "fall work session". Forefoot/stem/keel is permanently assembled. New engine stringers are screwed and assembled with 3M5200 to the frames and the topside frames are done. The transom frame is re-made, assembled and mounted to the stringers. Chines are steam bent, shaped and the rabbets are routed. The frames are faired in and the boat is straight and true.

The only thing not permanently bolted in are the chines. They need to dry over the winter since I used "green wood" for them. I'll seal with CPES and assemble in the spring.

All ready for the new bottom planking next spring. I will go with diagonal 3/16" mahogany inner planking instead of plywood. This may be more work but it was the original way and will be just as good if you butt the planks with 3M5200, and seal the wood with CPES.

Off to buy mahogany planking.....