Wednesday, December 7, 2011


Moving a long quite nice. I have three of the four coats of Interlux 2000E primer down. According to the instructions, I must put down the 1st. coat of the bottom paint with in 7 and 9 hours after the 4th. coat to get the required bond between them. Not sure how critical this is, but I'm taking no chances. I don't want to be in position to do paint the bottom again because of blistering.

Now it's on with 2 coats of Pettit Hard Racing Copper Bronze paint. Which I hear is an "animal" all of it's own. Report to follow.


Matt said...

Looks awesome. The copper bronze will look weird no matter what. The more you roll it the more it looks different. It's almost like you have to get it distributed and give the whole surface and even roll in the same direction and just leave it alone.

Enjoying this blog. Keep it up!

Brian Robinson said...

The only way to make the Petit copper look right is to spray it. You can roll Y999 Interlux, but the Petit does not work that way.